Back in Vietnam...

Well, what a day yesterday was.  It started with talking rubbish all morning, buying it all afternoon, and then writing it in the evening...

It was my annual sojourn into the exciting world of broadcasting, you see.  Three hours of chatting on a local radio station with my friend Mr Z.  The chat was interspersed with mince pies and fancy coffee, and was a complete joy.  We covered lots of Christmassy topics, what with it being the Christmas show and all, and it was as I was telling the unsuspecting folk of Buckinghamshire about Triflegate and exploding snowmen that it suddenly hit me.  They must think that I am completely bonkers.  But then you knew that already, didn't you.  

The highlight was a telephone call from Miss R to the radio station, who had just packed her bike on the back of the van in Ho Chi Minh, and who was headed to the next stage of her three week trip through Asia.  Anyway, it gave me the opportunity to do something I have always longed to do.  Pushing my chair away from the microphone, I took a deep breath, and in full Robin Williams voice, I shouted. 'Good morning, Vietnam!'

Well apparently, not only did this have the effect of reducing Miss R and her cycling buddies to tears of laughter but daughter number two,who was listening to the show with her work colleagues, told me afterwards that my Robin Williams tribute had been a bit loud.  She went on to say that her colleagues said I had a great voice for radio.  Better than having a great face, I suppose...

After my 15 minutes of fame (a thousand people listen in each day apparently) we ended the show with Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey, and it was back to Binland for the afternoon.  As Christmas gets closer, I seem to be getting giddier by the second.  Unfortunately, no one else does (except for Mrs S who has been missing for the last five days, and who I depend on to be as festively annoying as me) and I'm having to temper my excitement.

It's Secret Santa day at work today, and I get to wear a Christmas jumper.

But which one?

There are so many...


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