Love is the sweetest thing...

It's my wedding anniversary this week and I'm in trouble.

Three days before this year's anniversary, and I am card, no present, nothing.  He, on the other hand, did book something, which I spectacularly ruined by announcing that I was going out with my mother on the same evening. 

I'm not sure what he was more upset about actually.  The fact that I was out that night, or that I was going to watch men in tights for a couple of hours.  This is an annual event with my mother, which we thoroughly enjoy, in between the stifled giggles at the rolled up socks stuffed down the men's tights.  My mother always told me that this lump was a handy step for the ballerinas to tread on when executing a difficult lift.  I believed her up to the age of 25...

So for a harnessed Northerner, the husband can be very romantic.  Over the years, I have had some really thoughtful presents from him, including a handmade bench with our wedding day carved into it (no excuse to ever forget it then), and weekends away in Paris and Berlin (sometimes with my sister Miss R in tow, but she's very discreet and no bother).   He also cooked for me on a couple of occasions, and there are always flowers and a beautiful card with a handwritten P.S.

So you can see he's quite a romantic soul.

I'm not.

My presents to him have included a pair of suede shoes, a shirt covered in bicycles, an overnight bag (anticipating a return present of a weekend away) and a bracket for his bike.  All very practical, just not very romantic...

I do have some ideas though.  I can't divulge until Thursday (he doesn't read my blog, but relies on daughter number 1 for any updates relating to him), but I hope he won't be disappointed.  I'll be honest with you though, if I bought him nothing he wouldn't care.  The fact that he wakes up next to me every morning is enough for him.

At least that's what I keep telling him...


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