Flowers in the Window.....

Words from a Bird.  Day 23.

I had flowers delivered today, sent from a wonderful friend.  It's been a long time since anyone sent me flowers (husband, take note, offspring, tell dad) so they were a lovely surprise.

At a time when you are lost, both literally and metaphorically, it's fantastic when something happens to remind you how beautiful life can be.  Even when you are in the middle of a maelstrom of  misery, irrationally belting out an Elvis Presley song (If I Can Dream), sobbing your heart out and ironing (I am a woman...I multi-task) it is the simplest of things that pull you back.

The sight of these eight stemmed orchids, their magenta petals entwined around each other, brings me such joy.   They sit on my desk, as close to me as I can get them, so all I have to do is lift my eyes slightly to see them.  Every time I do, they let me know that there are people out there who love me, people who understand what is feels like to lose someone so undeniably special.  They remind me that days won't always be cold and wet, and that life will have colour in it again one day.

With the funeral planning and all the decisions being made about clearing Nanny's flat (something we are all dreading - can you imagine what photos we're going to find?) it's been a non-stop, full-pelt few days, with little time for anything not tinged with sadness.

But my orchids have made me stop, if only for a few seconds at a time. 

And they make me smile.......


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